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EMDR Therapy will give you more control over how and what you're triggered by.
EMDR Therapy website graphic. Carolyn Lee, LMHC EMDR Therapist in FL, RI, and NC.
EMDR Therapy website graphic. Carolyn Lee, LMHC EMDR Therapist in FL, RI, and NC.
EMDR Therapy website graphic. Carolyn Lee, LMHC EMDR Therapist in FL, RI, and NC.
EMDR Therapy website graphic. Carolyn Lee, LMHC EMDR Therapist in FL, RI, and NC.
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EMDR Therapy website graphic. Carolyn Lee, LMHC EMDR Therapist in FL, RI, and NC.

Making messes is a normal part of life;

so, cleaning up messes

should be normal too.

I provide state-of-the-art therapy, for when you feel like a mess, and
talking in circles around your problems didn't solve them.
EMDR Therapy is for when you feel like a mess and talking in circles around your problems isn't solving your problems with insecurity, trust issues, anger, anxiety, anxious-avoidant attachment behavior, panic, worry, irritability, and oversensitivity.

It's cut to the chase healing 

EMDR is very unlike your more conversational therapy that's super focused on changing your behaviors to change your thoughts and feelings.


Personalized meditation

Simple multitasking,

Following prompts given by

a Certified EMDR Therapist and

Giving feedback on what's going

on for you throughout the session

There is  some talking involved,

but it's more about using words to guide your mind's focus.

EMDR helps you find mental, emotional, and physical closure to memories of drama from the past (causing trauma in the present), making them more comfortable and practical for self-improvement in the future.

EMDR uses techniques to take the edge

off owounds from the past  that your

body's become insistent on reminding you of,

when anything you do or experience today shares at least one similar detail to the circumstances from back then.

is the future

EMDR therapy

of really, regaining control over
your  mental health.

EMDR Therapy is the future of regaining control over your mental health. When Therapists say "you have to accept the past," it doesn't mean you have to accept the issues it causes you today. Therapy should be about accepting past events and modifying how you feel about them in the present, if you need to, in order to move on.
EMDR Therapist Carolyn Lee Downes provides EMDR Therapy in FL, NC, and RI for finally outgrowing insecurity, regaining control of your life, changing attachment styles, healing relationships, and the depression and anxiety that results from negative belief systems you didn't even know you had (aka trauma).


Therapy should be

past, present, & future.

straight forward, noticeably effective,
  have  positive effects  on  your

EMDR Therapy heals symptoms and triggers of anxiety, depression, lonliness, feelings out of control, and insecurity. EMDR Therapy uncovers the negative messages you picked up over the years that lead you to believe the upsetting thoughts and feelings you might have about yourself, brings closure to those experiences in the past, and connects timeless truths that help resolve past traumas, to situations in the present when you're feeling similar feelings and thoughts to those that you had back then. EMDR Therapy is healing that occurs accross memory networks and a lifetime.
You go to therapy when you need help sorting through experience details that get in the way of your ability to seek out more of the types of experiences, personal challenges, & successes that make you who you are.
You end therapy when you’re able to confidently sustain this detail sorting system, in the present and future.
When and if upsetting experience details pile up again, you reach out for a professional deep clean again. That’s when you look into starting up another round of therapy.
When therapy works like it should, it’s a self-care investment that lasts for as little as 3-4 sessions at a time.
You continue with your life (without therapy), having experiences that move you towards more of what you really want out of it.
EMDR Therapy heals the connections between past situations that upset you and caused anxiety, depression, insecurity, avoidance, and negative thinking patterns, and the triggers in situations today, that set off similarly upsetting thoughts, feelings, behaviors, etc. EMDR heals mind, body, and emotions across the lifespan. EMDR healing of the past really means healing of a wound that originated in the past, and the entire memory network that connects it to situations in the present and future.

EMDR heals

relationships between...

mental health issues


triggers setting them off

EMDR Therapy website graphics.
EMDR Therapist Carolyn Lee Downes provides online EMDR therapy for people in FL, NC, and RI that works so well and fast at healing depression, anxiety, anger, guilt, resentment, and trauma, that you won't even need to be in therapy for long.
EMDR Therapy can help you work through the history and meaning of your past and present-day issues, while incorporating how you want to see yourself thriving in the future. EMDR works by eliminating the need for upsetting triggers to remind you of the past, when in similar situations in the present, because it gets your mind, body, and emotions on the same page in trusting that the past is over and resolved and this is and will bea better future.

With my help, we'll work through the history and meaning of your past and present-day issues, while incorporating how you want to see yourself thriving in the future.

"Let's get to the bottom of what's really bothering you, so you can move on without needing therapy." -Carolyn Lee, LMHC
EMDR cuts the crappy triggers and helps you emphasize what actually matters. When you use a therapy, that was originally created to heal some of the most severe forms of trauma, on microtraumas that have caused general anxiety, depressions, lonliness, and low self-esteem, you get lightening-fast healing results.
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Ability to experience the present moment, without the urge to worry about the past or future


Legitimately feel that upsetting experiences and emotions are as over and temporary as you logically know they are


Solidify your self-worth as something that event outcomes can't as easily tear down

Feel truly loveable and enough, as you are, without having to force these messages upon yourself Believe more in yourself  and less in what you were raised to believe about yourself Free yourself and let go of guilt, shame, and childhood wounds Confidently apply learning that brings closure to your past- in therap- and less consciously prepares you for coping with similar, realistic challenges in the future- outside of therapy ​Securely think and talk about previously painful life events, in a way that highlights only the helpful information you want to move forward with

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Ready for something a little different than what traditional talk therapy has to offer


Looking for a no nonsense solution to being controlled by your past, self-deprecating thoughts, negative emotions, or unexplainable physical ailments


Ready to face how your earlier experiences may be impacting your life in the present


Aware that long term healing may require the ripping off of bandaids, to disinfecting old wounds, before full and strengthened functionality is possible again


EMDR Therapy
work so fast though?

How does

EMDR Therapy involves much more than talking about your problems. EMDR involves activating a natural memory processing system that works like your immune system. Talking can sometimes get in the way of the process.
What actually happens in EMDR Therapy is multitasking, following meditative prompts, and monitoring changes along the way.
The point of EMDR therapy's 8 phased structure is to keep both therapist and client on track and within a stable balance of activitaing upsetting emotions enough to feel what you want to heal, without sending you into the deep end, being overwhelmed with emotions from the past that feel all too real in the present.



When you’re ready to

EMDR Therapy works on healing memory networks that connect the past to the present, without having relive the past.
EMDR Therapist Carolyn Lee Downes provides EMDR therapy in RI, FL, and NC that works through anxiety, depression, low-selesteem, trauma, control issues, and relationship issues, in a way that will heal your past, while eliminating triggers in the present, and worrying about avoiding them in the future.

actually transform

with  less  talking in circles...

EMDR Therapy changes self-sabotage into positive feelings, triggers into achievements, and anxiety and depression into the ability to take meaningful and enjoyable pauses in life.

Call me.
It's that simple.


Virtual EMDR Therapy in



     North Carolina,

     & Rhode Island


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